Game Development Lab

In this lab, students will learn how to create computer games. Students will learn the fundamentals of game design and development, including concepts such as game mechanics, level design, and user experience.

The lab has a practical focus, with students working in teams to develop your own game using game development software such as Unity or Godot. Students will learn how to use these tools to create game environments, characters, and objects and how to implement game mechanics and logic to create interactive and engaging experiences.

The lab will start with an introduction to game design and how to work with a game engine such as Godot or Unity. Afterward, students will work on your own game projects and receive feedback from their peers and us.


Dr. Simon Völker
Dr. Isaak Lim
Florian Busch


LabDienstags 10:30 – 12:00
Credits7 ECTS



Study Programs

  • Computer Science (B.Sc.)
  • Applied Geography (B. Sc.)
  • Technical Communication (B. Sc.)


Exercises and assignments will be graded according to the following scale:

1.0 An exceptional job that went well beyond what was specified in the tasks
2.0 The tasks were completed satisfactorily in accordance with the terms of reference
3.0 Tasks have been completed but have some problems
4.0 Incomplete duties
5.0 Little or no effort has been made on the tasks

Course Assignment and Registration Guide

Number of SWS: P3 (Aachen)
ECTS Credits: 6
Language: German or English for all lectures or meeting