The study information here is based on the Examination Regulations 2022 (PO 2022).
All those who started their studies before WS 22/23 have the opportunity to switch to the new PO. The PO 2018 will remain valid until 30.09.2026. The study information on the structure and procedure of the old examination regulations (PO 2018) can be found here .
The current PO 2022 and the older PO 2018 can be found on the POs and module handbooks page of the Study Center.
Structure and course of studies
The bachelor's degree is the first professional qualification and qualifies students for a subsequent master's degree. Therefore, it has both the goal to prepare for a profession as a computer scientist and to pave the way to a master's degree.
Computer science is diverse and constantly evolving - we cannot prepare for specific professions because we do not know what professions will exist in five years. Therefore, the bachelor's program in computer science at RWTH aims to provide broad fundamentals in computer science (and mathematics) that you will need later in most professions. This includes basic programming skills - prior knowledge of programming languages is therefore not mandatory for the computer science program. However, a solid knowledge of English is essential and can be demonstrated, for example, by passing the Abitur examination.
In addition, skills in abstraction, model building, problem analysis and transferability are taught in order to be able to apply the knowledge acquired to new problems in the profession later on.
Also, some specialization subjects can be taken according to one's own interests. Computer science is interdisciplinary - since professions for computer scientists are usually connected to a specific application domain, the specialization area is designed to be interdisciplinary so that you can see how computer science is applied in other fields while you are still studying. To facilitate entry into a later master's program, most specialization subjects have a strong research orientation.
Soft skills play an essential role both in a later profession and in a master's degree or academic career. Therefore, teamwork as well as scientific writing and presentation are also trained in the bachelor's program.
All these knowledge or skills are taught within the framework of so-called modules. A module is a self-contained teaching unit and can be a combination of lecture, exercise, question time and small group exercises, but also an internship or a seminar. Most modules are concluded by an examination - usually a written exam.
Passing a module gives so-called credits. The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System or in short Credit Points CP) point system describes the average workload of a student: one CP corresponds to an average workload of 30 hours. Thus, for a module of 3 CPs, one can expect an approximate workload of 90 hours. A bachelor's degree program comprises a total of 180 CP and is made up of the individual modules with the corresponding CPs that must be taken and passed for successful completion.
The academic year is divided into the winter semester (WiSe), which begins in October, and the summer semester (SoSe), which begins in April. Each semester consists of an approximately 4-month lecture period, in which the events such as lectures, seminars, etc. take place, and the subsequent lecture-free period, in which, as a rule, the exams on the previously taken modules are taken.
Study plan
The following study plan is a good example of how the individual courses can be taken. The sequence is not obligatory but recommended.
Color Legend
- Some courses can only be taken if previous work has already been done.
- Modules marked in italics, such as seminars, internships or the final thesis, can also be taken in a semester other than the one shown.
First semester (winter)
Group Meetings
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Second semester (summer)
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Hands-on Lab
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Third semester (winter)
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Hands-on Lab
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Note: It is highly recommended when deciding on an elective area to follow the prerequisites from the module descriptions.
Fourth semester (summer)
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Lecture + Exercise
Note: It is highly recommended when deciding on an elective area to follow the prerequisites from the module descriptions.
Fifth semester (winter)
Lecture + Exercise
Lectures, language courses or tutorials
Lecture + Exercise
Lectures + exercises
Note: It is highly recommended when deciding on an elective area to follow the prerequisites from the module descriptions.
Sixth semester (summer)
Thesis + presentation
Lectures + exercises
Note: It is highly recommended when deciding on an elective area to follow the prerequisites from the module descriptions.
Proseminars, seminars and lab courses
Mehr als 1700 Praktika, Proseminar- und Seminarthemen werden von der Fachgruppe Informatik jedes Semester angeboten. Die Vielzahl und Breite erstreckt sich über die gesamte Fächerauswahl, die wir in Aachen anbieten. Aus diesem großen Katalog kannst du wählen.Da Plätze in (Pro-)Seminaren und Software-Projektpraktika begrenzt sind, werden sie über ein eigenes Vergabeverfahren. So wird sichergestellt, dass es keine doppelten Belegungen gibt.
Zur Teilnahme an einem Kurs im kommenden Semester ist eine Registrierung und Wahl über SuPra im aktuellen Semester notwendig. Der zeitliche Ablauf des Prozesses wird für jedes Semester individuell festgelegt und u. a. an der vorlesungsfreien Zeit (Weihnachten, Pfingsten, Vorlesungsende) ausgerichtet. Die genauen Daten werden rechtzeitig vor Beginn des Prozesses per Mail kommuniziert. Man kann aber damit rechnen, dass dieses in der zweiten Vorlesungshälfte der Fall ist.
Offers can be prioritized so that the distribution always tries to assign the highest priority if possible. In addition, courses can be marked to which an allocation should be made if the prioritized courses are full. The greater the flexibility, the more likely it is to get a place. Details of the process can be found in SuPra.
Note: System Programming Lab (PSP) is not offered through SuPra.
Non-Technical Elective (NTW)
According to the curriculum, one non-technical elective must be taken. This comprises a total of 4 credits, which can optionally be distributed over several courses.
Typical NTWs include language courses, mentoring as an NTW, or Project Leonardo.
The corresponding achievements are provided via participation certificates, which are either transferred to the ZPA by the lecturers or handed out to the students in paper form. If a participation certificate is issued in paper form, it must be presented to the ZPA so that it can be entered in the corresponding overviews of achievements.
With regard to language courses, it should be noted that the registration periods may be at the beginning of the semester or even in the weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. It should also be noted that for advanced offerings of the Language Center, participation in appropriate placement tests is required. The number of ECTS credits for a passed language course is equal to the number of SWS, unless otherwise stated.
Further information on recognition of a language course and registration in RWTHonline as well as placement tests can be found on the pages of the Language Center.
If there is interest in a non-technical subject that is not currently in the NTW catalog for the Bachelor of Computer Science, the following must be done:
- First, the conditions for issuing a certificate of attendance must be clarified with the lecturers.
- An application for approval of the desired course must be sent informally by e-mail to the Study Advisory Bachelor Computer Science, stating the course number (LV-Nr.). A confirmation will follow.
Compulsory elective modules
Application area
- Bookkeeping and Managerial Accounting
- Decision Theory
- Operations Research
- Principles of Management
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Simon Völker is available as a study advisor for further questions.
Biologie für Studierende der Informatik und Mathematik.
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Simon Völker is available as a study advisor for further questions.
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry
- Theory of Chemical Bonds
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Simon Völker is available as a study advisor for further questions.
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3 - Signals and Systems
- Power Systems
- Fundamentals of Integrated Circuits and Systems
- Communications Engineering
- High and Medium Voltage Switchgears
- Manufacturing Processes for Silicon Based Microsystems
- Information Transmission
- Introduction to Acoustics
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2 - Modeling and Analysis of Electrical Components and Circuits
- Special-Purpose Operating Systems
Das Video gibt eine gute Übersicht zu diesem Anwendungsfach.
Thomas Noll steht für weitere Fragen als Studienberater bereit.
- Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
- Simulation Methods in Mechanical Engineering
- Communication and Organisation Development
- Business Engineering
- Energy Economy
- NC-Programming of Machine Tools
- Aircraft Systems
- Medical Software Engineering
- Systemergonomie
- Rapid Control Prototyping
- Automatic Control
- Computer Assisted Surgical Technology
- Electromechanic Motion Technology
- Medical Engineering I
- Factory Design
- Engineering Mechanics
- Medical Engineering II
- Machine Design I
- Bascis of Electrical Engineering for Mechatronic Systems
- Automated Driving
- Automated and Connected Driving Challenges – Course
- Automated and Connected Driving Challenges – Research Project
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Thomas Noll is available as a study advisor for further questions.
- Practical Course in Mathematics
- Computeralgebra
- Complex Analysis I
- Numerical Analysis I
- Numerical Analysis II
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Simon Völker is available as a study advisor for further questions.
Modules from the application area Medicine have to be a href="" target="_self"> applied for separately at the examination board Computer Science.
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Thomas Noll is available as a study advisor for further questions.
- Basic Module Philosophical Propaedeutics
- Optional Courses of Philosophy
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Thomas Noll is available as a study advisor for further questions.
- Physics I for Students of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
- Physics II for Students of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
- Physics Lab
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Simon Völker is available as a study advisor for further questions.
- Statistics
- Communication Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Media Psychology
- Social Psychology
The video gives a good overview of this application subject.
Simon Völker is available as a study advisor for further questions.
Bachelor theses
The bachelor thesis is an independent, scientific work, which is usually done at the end of the study. In the period of four, one deals intensively with a science-related topic of computer science. This work usually takes place at the teaching units of the Computer Science Department and is evaluated by two expert opinions. The concrete task of the work depends on which teaching unit is in charge of the supervision. The topic can be theoretically or practically oriented. Examples are: Translated with (free version)
- A literature review and evaluation of existing approaches to a current scientific topic area.
- An in-depth evaluation and analytical or empirical comparison of selected solution concepts.
- The implementation, further development and evaluation of existing procedures and concepts of computer science for scientific analysis (evaluation prototype) or for didactic use (demonstration prototype).
- Evaluating the performance of systems with respect to specific tasks and workloads.
The individual steps are summarized in detail here.
Exams and exam registration
Exclusion of Grades
When completing the program in the standard period of study, it is possible to exclude certain module grades from the overall grade calculation. These are then entered as "passed" on the final certificate and the grade values are shown for information purposes in a separate area. To calculate possible exclusions, the Notenstreicher can be used, kindly provided by a student.
Transition to the Master of Computer Science at the RWTH
If you have any questions about the transition to the Master's in Computer Science at RWTH, you can find more information here.