
The final thesis, whether in the bachelor's or master's degree program, is an independent scientific work. Typically, it takes place at the end of the degree program. Here are the general steps for completing a thesis. 

A thesis is subject to the 4-eyes principle. This means that it is assessed by two examiners.

A thesis can only be issued by a teaching unit of RWTH-Informatics. The assigning teaching unit always will always be the first examiner and is responsible for the supervision. 
The second evaluation can be completed by another department, university, or research institution and is done in consultation with the supervisor. 


Step 0: Check the requirements

Before the final thesis can be tackled, the following requirements have to satisfied:

  • For a bachelor thesis at least 120 credits have to have been reached. Additionally, in the Bachelor Computer Science Examination Regulations 2022 the compulsory modules from the first two semesters have to have been passed.
  • eine Masterarbeit mindestens 60 Credits erreicht sein, alle Auflagen und der Online-Kurs Scientific Integrity must have been passed.

When it comes to questions of content or organization, it often helps to have a look at your Examination Regulations; in case of further doubts the academic advisory can be of help.

Step 1: Finding a topic

The topic should fit your own inclinations and interests. Through the lectures, seminars and lab courses, you should get a good impression of how broad the field of computer science is in Aachen. The list of all our research groups helps with the search and provides orientation.

The teaching units often advertise their offers on their own websites. It is also helpful to approach the academic staff directly and to ask for a thesis topic.

Note: Special requirements for the study programs Data Science and Media Informatics

Should the search for a thesis topic remain unsuccessful despite intensive efforts, a request for "support for a thesis topic" can be submitted to the examination board.

In the self-study course scientific work in computer science you will find numerous useful tips.

External thesis topics without an issuing computer science professor can not be accepted .

This also applies to theses in other departments of the RWTH.

Step 2: Contacting the Central Examination Office

Once there is agreement with the supervising teaching unit, you write the Central Examination Office by email and ask to receive the"Thesis Application Form". Hier die Kontaktliste für die verschiedenen Studiengänge:

In this step, the Central Examination Office checks whether all admission requirements such as minimum credits or completed compulsory modules from the first semesters have been fulfilled and sends by email the registration formLaufzettelwith the official signature digitally.

Step 3: Registration of the thesis with the board of examination

Das vom ZPA unterschriebene Anmeldeformular kann nun vollständig ausgefüllt werden. Gefragt sind die eigene Unterschrift und die des Erstgutachters – digital oder handschriftlich, beides wird akzeptiert. Bei MMI, MSSE und MDS ist außerdem die Unterschrift des Zweitgutachters erforderlich. 

The Registration of the thesis takes place via the application system of the board of examination for computer science. To be entered are the title and the two persons responsible for the evaluation. Then the application form must be uploaded.

The board of examination for computer science processes the data. Within a few days, the confirmation email will arrive with a link to the submission notice. 

The Central Examination Office will also receive the information automatically and record the data, which can be viewed in RWTHonline a short time later.  

Step 4: Writing your thesis

All formal hurdles have been cleared and now the real work can begin. 

The execution of the thesis topic and the type of supervision are the responsibility of the research groups themselves and can vary widely.

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Step 5: Submission of the thesis

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Das Meiste ist geschafft. 

The completed thesis muss in den meisten Studiengängen 3 x ausgedruckt und mit fester Bindung (keine Spiralbindung) beim ZPA abgegeben werden. Dies kann während der Öffnungszeiten persönlich im Geschäftszimmer,  über den Deadline mailbox am Hauptgebäude oder über eine Zustellung per Post erfolgen – Entscheidend ist, dass die Arbeit on time, d. h. bis 23:59 Uhr des Abgabedatums, da ist.  

Ab der Prüfungsordnung 2022 (Bachelor) bzw. 2023 (Master) muss die Abgabe der Arbeit digital erfolgen – ein Ausdruck ist nicht notwendig. In Zukunft wird es dazu ein neues, zentrales Hochschulsystem (DivA) geben – weitere Informationen hierzu folgen. Bis dahin kann die Arbeit übergangsweise im PDF-Format im Antragssystem des PA Informatik (Paperless) hochgeladen werden.  Auch hierbei ist die fristgerechte Abgabe bis 23:59 Uhr des Abgabedatums zu beachten.

Step 6: Giving the final thesis presentation

The contents of the thesis must be presented in a graded talk. This usually takes place at the teaching unit of the first examiner. Details such as the date and length of the presentation are agreed upon with the thesis supervisor.

The final presentation can also take place before the thesis is submitted. 

Step 7: Waiting for the grades

Now we have to wait: 

The two evaluations must be prepared and the grade assigned. This all happens in the background. If you get impatient, you are welcome to ask your supervisor about the status after 4-6 weeks. 


In RWTHonline the grade will be available later on.

A 4.0 certificate erklärt, dass die Arbeit bestanden ist, jedoch die Note noch nicht feststeht. Um sie beim ZPA zu beantragen braucht es eine Bestanden-Bescheinigung der Gutachter. 

Sie kann für potenzielle Bewerbungen oder zur Einschreibung nötig sein. 

Stumbling blocks along the way

Not everything always goes smoothly and something can come up. 

Should the schedule get out of hand, there is the possibility to extend the deadline (max. 4 weeks for bachelor's theses/6 weeks for master's theses). Also, it may happen that in the course of the thesis project, the title must be adjusted. This change has to be applied for at the board of examination.

In the worst case, you may have to pull out of the thesis. One thing to bear in mind here is that the Abschlussarbeit nur einmal und nur innerhalb des ersten Monats der Bearbeitungszeit zurückgegeben werden kann. Dies geschieht über eine formlose Nachricht sowohl an die Betreuungsperson als auch die ZPA-Sachbearbeitung. 

*Note: Special requirements for the study programs Data Science and Media Informatics.

For the study program Master Data Science the theses must usually be issued by professorial or habilitated members of the chosen field of specialization. The second examiner must be a professorial or habilitated member of the department of computer science or mathematics. Details can be found in the examination regulations of the Master Data Science program.

In the study program Master Media Informatics theses can only be issued by professorial or habilitated members of the computer science department of RWTH Aachen University or the computer science department of the University of Bonn.