I think there is a world market for maybe five computers

That's what IBM's CEO is supposed to have said in 1943. How very wrong he was.  

Life without fast data processing, without the Internet, apps, e-mail, smartphones, streaming services and intelligent systems is hardly conceivable - thanks to computer science.

Computer science has evolved from the fields of mathematics, electrical engineering and communications engineering. In this field of tension, computer science has developed into a discipline with its own scientific methodology. It deals with the analysis, conception and realization of information processing systems. Using basic terms such as architecture, algorithm, data, complexity and efficiency, it describes and investigates the static structure and dynamic behavior of such systems. It deals with both qualitative and quantitative classification of problems and algorithms, solving concrete application questions from all disciplines, whether engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, or medicine.

Die Studiengänge der Fachgruppe Informatik


The Bachelor's degree program in Computer Science is designed to provide a broad-based education in the scientific fundamentals of computer science. In the Bachelor's program, methodological competence and qualifications related to the professional field are to be acquired, which can be built upon in the Master's program or in a professional activity.

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The Master's program is designed to provide in-depth knowledge, skills and methods in the field of computer science, leading to a high level of scientific qualification and independence in this field.

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Data Science deals with the extraction of knowledge and usable information from data. The available data sets are often very large, heterogeneous, and partially unreliable. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field with its roots in computer science, mathematics, and statistics and it has a strong link to various application areas. The essential constituents of data science are data analysis and systems engineering. Therefore, this course of study is going to convey modern methods of data analysis as well as algorithms and techniques for the development of information systems.


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The Master's program Software Systems Engineering (SSE) is designed to provide in-depth knowledge, skills and methods in the field of computer science, leading to a high level of scientific qualification and independence in this field.

Dieser Studiengang wird komplett auf Englisch durchgeführt.


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In diesem internationalen Studiengang erlernen die Studierende, die neuen technischen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen an den Schnittstellen zwischen Informatik, Softwareentwicklung, Kommunikationssystemen der nächsten Generation und Medien zu bewältigen. Während ein Bachelorabschluss in Informatik typischerweise dazu qualifiziert, an großen Softwareprojekten teilzunehmen, erlangt man mit dem Masterabschluss die notwendigen Fähigkeiten, um solche Projekte zu leiten. Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Studiengangs Media Informatics sind aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach technisch innovativ, arbeiten als Systemarchitektinnen und Systemarchitekten und leiten große Projekte.


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Education Degree

Der Lehramts-Studiengang Informatik bietet eine breit angelegte Ausbildung in den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Informatik. Die dabei erworbenen Fachkenntnisse, die deutlich über den Schulstoff Informatik hinausgehen, ermöglichen im späteren Berufsleben einen sicheren Umgang mit neuen Technologien und sich dadurch ändernden Lehrplänen.

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Der Prüfungsausschuss macht xyz… Link Link

Examination Board

Der Prüfungsausschuss (PA) ist ein Gremiun innerhalb der Fachgruppe Informatik, der sich mit der Organisation der Prüfungen der Informatikstudiengänge beschäftigt.  Die Kontakseite des PA findest du here.