Deadline to change to the new examination regulations on 26.08.
The deadline for switching to the new examination regulations for the winter semester 2022/2023 is approaching. The change is made via an application to the examination board.
New examination regulations Bachelor Computer Science 2022
Here you can find more information about the new Bachelor Computer Science Examination Regulations in which we have updated some modules, adapted the procedure and simplified the submission of theses.
Studying Computer Science at RWTH Aachen University - Online info date for prospective and interested students
Montag, 27.06.2022, 15.00 Uhr Wie läuft das Studium an der RWTH Aachen? Bis wann kann man sich bewerben? Wie geht es danach weiter? Diese und viele andere Fragen wie etwa zum Inhalt, zum Ablauf oder ganz allgemein zu Aachen beantworten die Studienberatung, Studierende sowie Dozent innen und Dozenten der Aachener Informatik. Eingeladen sind alle, die ihr Abitur in der Tasche […]
Elective courses summer 2022

As of now, an overview of all electives is available here.
Learning rooms in the computer center
Learning rooms are now available at the Computer Science Center. The opening hours may change weekly. On this page the opening hours of the following week will be published in advance.
Elective Courses Winter 2021/2022

Ab sofort ist eine Übersicht über alle Wahlpflichtfächer des Wintersemesters 2021/2022 hier verfügbar.
Hybrid semesters
Some lectures will be offered in hybrid mode in WS 21/22. See for more information.
Information event beginning of studies
A commencement information session was held on 09/07/2021. Here you can find the slides of this event.
Elective Courses Summer 2021

Starting today, you can find all elective courses for the summer semester 2021 here.