The master's degree is an opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge in those areas of computer science that interest you the most. The master's program at RWTH offers you great freedom, which is both an opportunity and a challenge. We have compiled some information for you here so that you can get off to a perfect start.

In order to study the Master Computer Science at RWTH, a completed bachelor's degree - not necessarily in computer science, by the way - is required.

Start of Studies


An application is required for the Master's program in Computer Science. The documents to be submitted and the application deadlines in the summer and winter semester depend on the home university and nationality: 

  1. Bachelor in Germany  (15.7. for WiSe, 15.01. for SoSe)
  2. EU Citizen (15.7. for WiSe, 15.01. for SoSe)
  3. Coming from third countries (01.03. for WiSe, 01.09. for SoSe) 


If you have German citizenship, a German Abitur, or a German Bachelor's degree, then the Student Secretariat is your contact point for all questions regarding application and enrollment. Otherwise, the International Office is responsible for you.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the Masters Degree you have to fulfill the following requirements:

Degree-specific admission requirements

  • Practical computer science: programming, data structures and algorithms, databases and information systems, software engineering.
  • Technical computer science: technical computer science, operating systems and system software, data communication and security, system programming.
  • Theoretical computer science: Formal systems, automata and processes, computability and complexity, mathematical logic.
  • Mathematics: Discrete Structures, Analysis for Computer Scientists, Linear Algebra, Applied Stochastics
If you lack some prior knowledge, you can still apply. If the gap is small, it will be closed by a list of requirements. (These are modules from the computer science bachelor studies at RWTH, which have to be completed during the master time). However, if it is larger and exceeds 42 credit points, admission is impossible.

Language skills

English at B2 level

German at C1 level

Since both the requirements and many application subjects are offered exclusively in German, a very good knowledge of German is absolutely necessary for the Master of Computer Science.

Here you can find more information about the language requirements.

GRE Test

An applicant must have one Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test result that meets all of the following requirements (see exception below):

  • quantitative reasoning score: above 75th percentile (among 25% best)
  • verbal reasoning score: above 15th percentile (among 85% best)
  • analytical writing score: at least 3.5

The GRE general test result must be provided with the application for admission before the application for admission deadline. It cannot be handed in after the application for admission deadline.

Exception: The GRE is not required for applicants with citizenship of the European Union or European Economic Area or who completed their secondary education in Germany (to be more precise, they have to be what is called “Bildungsinländerinnen oder Bildungsinländer” in German).

The current processing status of the application can be viewed via RWTHonline; possible missing documents are only noted here.

You also completed your Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at RWTH and have further questions about the transition from Bachelor's to Master's? Then you can find more information about the degree and special cases in the transition on our Bachelor's information page under the section “Transition to the Master's in Computer Science at RWTH”.

If you are unsure whether your German language skills are sufficient, we recommend taking a look at the English-language Software Systems Engineering program.


Once you have the admission in your pocket, you have to enroll For this purpose, the certificates and documents described above must be submitted.

Introductory event

Every semester, there is an introductory event for the M.Sc. Computer Science. It covers lots of information about the structure of the program, tips for organizing your studies, and the right points of contact for many different kinds of questions and problems.

The slides from the last introductory event can be downloaded here.

Certificates and Transfer of Credits

If you already need certificates for the start of your studies or want to submit an application for recognition of other academic achievements, you can do so via this website