The new examination regulations for the Master of Computer Science (PO Master Computer Science (10/2023)) is oriented towards the future and gives RWTH Aachen University a special unique selling point, especially through the five elective areas, which allow a diverse selection of courses from a wide range of areas of computer science.
It also ensures better studyability and greater flexibility in the interdisciplinary application area for computer science students.
This changes with the new examination regulations:
Admission requirements
Zulassungsvoraussetzung ist ein ankerkannter Hochschulabschluss gemäß § 3 Abs. 4 ÜPO.
Data Structures and Algorithms
8 CP
7 CP
Data Communication
6 CP
0 CP
Replaced by:
4 CP
Data Communication
6 CP
Elements of Machine Learning and Data Science
6 CP
New elective areas
The redesign of electives allows students more flexibility and choice in subject options.
A comparison of the old and new POs makes this clearer:
Elective Areas
total 57-63 CP
4 areas
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Software and Communication
- Data- and Information Management
- Applied Computer Science
- At least 12 CP from the field of theoretical computer science.
- Maximum 35 CP per area
Elective Areas
total 58-66 CP
5 areas
- Theoretical Computer Science
Visual Computing & Interaction
- Hardware/Software Systems
- AI & Data
- Software development methods and tools
- At least 12 CP from the field of theoretical computer science.
- At least 12 CP each from two other areas
5 Wahlpflichtbereiche
- Advanced Automata Theory
- Algorithmische Modelltheorie I
- Algorithmische Modelltheorie II
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Analyse von Algorithmen
- Compilerbau
- Concurrency Theory
- Deduktive Programmverifikation
- Dynamical Processes on Networks
- Satisfiability Checking
- Exakte Algorithmen
- Fixpoints and Induction in Logic and Computer Science
- Funktionale Programmierung
- Graphalgorithmen
- Graph Decompositions and Algorithmic Applications
- Höhere Algorithmik
- Infinite Computations and Games
- Komplexitätstheorie
- Logics for Reasoning about Uncertainty
- Logik und Spiele
- Logikprogrammierung
- Mathematische Logik II
- Model Checking
- Modeling and Verification of Probabilistic Systems
- Modellierung und Analyse hybrider Systeme
- Online Algorithmen
- Parametrisierte Algorithmen
- Probabilistic Programming
- Provenance Analysis and Semiring Semantics for Logics and Games
- Quantum Computing
- Rekursionstheorie
- Semantics and Verification of Software
- Statische Programmanalyse
- Stochastic Games
- Termersetzungssysteme
- The Graph Isomorphism Problem
- Theoretische Grundlagen von UML
- Theory of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Theory of Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Theory of Distributed Systems
- Computer Vision
- Computer Vision 2
- CSCW and Groupware: Concepts and Systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- Current Topics in Media Computing and HCI
- Data-Driven Methods for 3D Shape Analysis
- Designing Interactive Systems I
- Designing Interactive Systems II
- Fortgeschrittene Methoden der Virtuellen Realität
- Geometrieverarbeitung
- Computer Graphics
- iOS Application Development
- Learning Technologies
- Personal Digital Fabrication
- Physically-Based Animation
- Real-time Graphics
- Research Focus Class on Learning Technologies
- Subdivision Kurven und Flächen
- Virtual Reality
- Advanced Internet Technology
- Algorithmische Kryptographie
- Communication Systems Engineering
- The Digital Lifecycle of Vehicles as a Part of the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Digitalisierung
- Eingebettete Systeme
- Formale Methoden fĂĽr Steuerungssoftware
- Funktionale Sicherheit und Systemzuverlässigkeit
- Industrial Network Security
- IT-Sicherheit 1 – Kryptographische Grundlagen und Netzwerksicherheit
- IT-Sicherheit 2 – Computer Security
- Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung und Fehlersuche
- Mobile Internet Technology
- Control and Perception in Networked and Autonomous Vehicles
- Research Focus Class on Communication Systems
- Selected Topics in Communication and Distributed Systems
- Sicherheit in der Mobilkommunikation
- Advanced Data Models
- Advanced Machine Learning
- Advanced Methods in Automatic Speech Recognition
- Advanced Process Mining
- Advanced Statistical Classification
- Algorithmic Foundations of Datascience
- Algorithmische Lerntheorie
- Automatische Spracherkennung
- Big Data in Medical Informatics
- Business Process Intelligence
- Data Driven Medicine – project-oriented, multidisciplinary introduction
- Datenstrommanagement und -analyse
- Distributed Ledger Technology
- Fundamentals of Business Process Management
- Implementation of Databases
- Introduction to Bioinformatics
- Introduction to Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning with Graphs: Foundations and Applications
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Data Science
- Reinforcement Learning and Learning-based Control
- Semantic Web
- Social Computing
- Statistische Klassifikation und Maschinelles Lernen
- Statistische Methoden zur Verarbeitung natĂĽrlicher Sprache
- The Logic of Knowledge Bases
- Uncertainty in Robotics
- Web Science
- Wissensrepräsentation
- Advanced Algorithmic Differentiation
- Combinatorial Problems in Scientific Computing
- eBusiness - Applications, Architecture and Standards
- High-Performance Computing
- Innovationen im Software Engineering
- Introduction to Algorithmic Differentiation
- Konzepte und Modelle der parallelen und datenzentrischen Programmierung
- Leistungs- und Korrektheitsanalyse paralleler Programme
- Model-based Systems Engineering
- Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung
- Object Oriented Software Construction
- Prozess Management
- Prozesse und Methoden beim Testen von Software
- Software Language Engineering
- Software-Architekturen
- Software-Projektmanagement
- Software-Qualitätssicherung
- Softwaretechnik-Programmiersprache Ada 95
Application area
Application Area
total 14-18 CP
- To be registered with the ZPA
- Limited to one subject
Application area
total 10-18 CP
- No registration with the ZPA
- Beliebige Modulwahl aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen entsprechend des Modulhandbuchs
- More flexibility in weighting regarding credits
Thesis submission
Previously, final papers had to be submitted in 3 printed copies. In der neuen PrĂĽfungsordnung reduziert sich die Anzahl der geforderten gedruckten Exemplare. The submission now takes place in digital form as well as the submission of a printed and bound copy of the thesis.
Recommendations for Change
If you enroll in the winter semester 2023/24 and later, you will automatically be registered under the new PO. For all Master's students enrolled before then, you can study under the old PO until winter semester 2025/26.
Students who are already close to graduation or have already completed their minor in full (according to the old examination regulations) are advised not to change examination regulations again.