© Bild: Helen Bolke-Hermanns

Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, ‘We’ve always done it this way.’ I try to fight that. That’s why I have a clock on my wall that runs counterclockwise.
Grace Hopper, computer scientist, later U.S. Navy admiral, and author of the world's first programming manual (for the Harvard Mark I computer).
You don't need a clock that turns backwards to tackle the computer science master's at RWTH. However, she was right about one thing: We in the Computer Science department look to the future and we never get uncomfortable trying out, exploring and implementing something new.
Did you enjoy your bachelor's degree and would you like to delve further into computer science? Then the master's program is just right for you.
In Aachen you will be trained to work independently with scientific methods and knowledge of computer science. The analysis, planning and management of challenging projects will be part of your future professional life. With a master's degree from RWTH, you will be able to define solutions that meet the highest standards of computer science in technological and scientific terms.
The master's degree is also the second professional qualification and a prerequisite for a possible academic career with a subsequent doctorate.