Hybrid Semester

In this semester (WS 21/22) some courses (especially for the 1st and 3rd semester) are offered in hybrid mode. This means that some lectures will be offered in presence on certain days (e.g. like in the plan below). However, since only a maximum of 200 students will attend the lecture in presence, you will be divided into groups. Each group (or cohort) can then take turns to attend the lecture on one day, while the other groups can watch the lecture via livestream.


Regarding the organization of teaching in the winter semester 21/22, there will be no uniform model; and since the latest Corona ordinance of the state of NRW was published only this week, we can give you first information only now - broken down by semesters:

Events of the first semester Bachelor Computer Science

The affected dates are those of the lectures and global exercises of the courses "Programmierung", "EinfĂĽhrung in die Technische Informatik", "Analysis fĂĽr Informatiker" and "Diskrete Strukturen". These will take place on Tuesdays from 12:30 - 18:00 and on Thursdays from 12:30 - 20:00, one after the other and in the same lecture hall.

This is intended to enable the smoothest possible participation in the face-to-face events and to avoid problems caused by scarce alternations between face-to-face and online teaching. Further dates of the events will be held online.

Since this so-called alternating operation initially requires some organization and coordination, the first week of lectures (11.10. to 15.10) initially all events online via zoom..

This week (11.10. to 15.10.) we will explain the modalities of the hybrid lectures to you and conduct the division into cohorts via RWTHonline. There will be the possibility that you can be assigned to the same cohort in smaller groups - for this purpose it is possible to register as a team, indicating the same team name. Registration is done via the event 12.00101  Hybride Lehrveranstaltungen – erstes Semester Bachelor Informatik.

You can sign up for this here.

Please register in time. Those who wish to follow the events completely online do not need to register. However, we strongly recommend that all students take advantage of the face-to-face events offered. After registration closes, we will divide and announce the cohorts. From the second week of lectures (from 19.10.) then begin the classroom events for the respective active cohort. Further details will be announced after the division of the cohorts in the Moodle room for the event 12.00101  Hybride Lehrveranstaltungen – erstes Semester Bachelor Informatik.

Small group exercises (tutorials, mentoring) can be done entirely in presence. Further information is available in the lectures during the first week of lectures or during the introductory week.

Please note: the 3G rule applies to access to the event rooms. There will be admission controls. To speed up the process of control, we would like to ask you to bring your proofs in digital form.

We further recommend that all students for whom there are no medical reasons be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Events of the third semester Bachelor Computer Science

Für Studierende im dritten Semester des Bachelor Informatik erfolgt für die Veranstaltungen „Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität“ und „Einführung in die Softwaretechnik“ eine analoge Organisation wie für Erstsemesterstudierende.

Es werden dienstags von 8:30 – 12:00 Uhr and mittwochs von 16:30 – 20:00 Uhr Termine der Vorlesungen und Globalübungen im Block in Präsenz angeboten; weitere Termine finden online statt.

Auch hier startet der Wechselbetrieb in der zweiten Vorlesungswoche (ab dem 19.10.); in der ersten Woche werden alle Termine online durchgefĂĽhrt. Auch hier läuft vom 11. – 15. Oktober die Anmeldung zur Teilnahme am Wechselbetrieb ĂĽber RWTHonline zur Veranstaltung 12.00103  Hybride Lehrveranstaltungen – drittes Semester Bachelor Informatik.

You can sign up for this here.

Bitte meldet euch rechtzeitig an. Wer den Veranstaltungen komplett online folgen möchte, muss sich nicht anmelden. Wir empfehlen auch allen Drittsemesterstudierenden das Angebot der Präsenzveranstaltungen wahrzunehmen.

Weitere Details werden nach Einteilung der Kohorten im Moodle-Raum zur Veranstaltung 12.00103  Hybride Lehrveranstaltungen – drittes Semester Bachelor Informatik bekanntgeben.

Bitte beachtet: Die Freiversuchsregelung gilt ab dem Wintersemester nicht mehr.

Tutorien können vollständig in Präsenz durchgeführt werden. Weitere Informationen dazu gibt es in den Veranstaltungen in der ersten Vorlesungswoche.

Auch hier gilt für den Zugang zu den Veranstaltungsräumen die 3G-Regel. Um den Prozess bei der Einlasskontrolle zu beschleunigen, möchten wir euch bitten, eure Nachweise in digitaler Form dabeizuhaben. Und nochmals empfehlen wir allen Studierenden nachdrücklich, sich gegen COVID-19 impfen zu lassen, wenn keine medizinische Indikation dagegen spricht.

Events for higher semesters

There will be no uniform regulations for courses in higher semesters due to the variety of courses.

It is up to the individual lecturers whether they want to organize their courses in presence, online, or in alternating mode. Information on the organization will be announced by the lecturers either in advance or at the beginning of the course.
If presence is provided, 3G checks will also be conducted here upon entry to the event space.
Als abschließende Information möchten wir nochmals alle Studierenden darauf hinweisen, dass die Freiversuchsregelung im WS 21/22 nicht 
valid anymore..