Die neue Prüfungsordnung für den Bachelor Informatik (PO Bachelor Informatik (08/2022)) ist zukunftsweisend ausgerichtet und gibt der RWTH Aachen ein besonderes Alleinstellungsmerkmal, vor allem durch Hinzunahme und Verankerung der Bereiche Machine Lerning, Data Science und IT-Security.
It also ensures better studyability and greater flexibility in the interdisciplinary application area for computer science students.
This changes with the new examination regulations
Two new Compulsory Courses
With the new Bachelor Examination Regulations, two new compulsory courses will be introduced, whichwill be offered in English and will be in the 5th semester.
Lecture + Exercise
6 CP
Lecture + Exercise
4 CP
Start for both event is the winter semester 2023/2024.
New Electives
Die Neugestaltung des Wahlpflichtbereichs ermöglicht den Studierenden mehr Flexibilität und Wahlmöglichkeit in den Fächeroptionen.
A comparison of the old and new POs makes this clearer:
- Wahlpflichtbereich: 24 CP
- 4 Veranstaltungen
- eine Theorieveranstaltung
- Anwendungsfach: 22 CP
- Choice of a fixed application subject
Wahlpflichtbereich: 36 CP
- Wahlpflichtbereich Informatik: 18-24 CP
- 3-4 Veranstaltungen
- eine Theorieveranstaltungen
- Anwendungsbereich: 12-18 CP
- Module aus anderen Fachbereichen
- Modules can be compiled from different subject areas
4 events (at least 1 from theory area)
24 CP
Application Area
Choice of a fixed application subject
22 CP
total 36 CP
Elective Computer Science
3 – 4 Veranstaltungen (mind. 1 aus Theoriebereich)
18-24 CP
Application area
Modules can be compiled from different subject areas
12-18 CP
Credit changes
In the course of the introduction of the two new compulsory modules and the redesign of the elective area, changes were also made to the crediting:
Event | Alte Credits | Neue Credits |
Data Structures and Algorithms | 8 CP | 7 CP |
Operating Systems and System Software | 6 CP | 7 CP |
Proseminar Computer Science | 3 CP | 4 CP |
Seminar Computer Science | 5 CP | 4 CP |
Data Structures and Algorithms
8 CP
7 CP
Operating Systems and System Software
6 CP
7 CP
Proseminar Computer Science
3 CP
4 CP
Seminar Computer Science
5 CP
4 CP
New admission requirements
In addition to the proof of command of the German language according to ÜPO §3 (7), the English competence level B2 is an admission requirement according to ÜPO §3 (8). In addition, the following certificates are recognized according to ÜPO §3 (9):
- Ein Zeugnis, das englische Sprachkenntnisse auf dem Niveau B2 des “Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeR)” ausweist. Dieser Nachweis wird z.B. durch die Vorlage eines deutschen Abiturzeugnisses erbracht, aus dem ersichtlich ist, dass Englisch bis zum Ende der Qualifikationsphase 1 (Jahrgangsstufe 11 bei G8-Abitur, sonst Jahrgangsstufe 12) durchgängig belegt und mit mindestens ausreichenden Leistungen abgeschlossen wurde.
- Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) "Internet-based" Test (IBT) with a score of at least 90 points
- IELTS test with a score of at least 5.5
- Cambridge Test – Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
- Cambridge Test - Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
- Placement test of the Language Center of the RWTH with level B2 (MK 7)
New requirements
- Mentoring is a prerequisite for all required courses beginning in the 4th semester of study
- The thesis can be registered if 120 CP can be proven. This must include all compulsory courses from the 1st-3rd semester.
Thesis submission
Previously, theses had to be submitted in triplicate in printed form. In the new PO version, theses are submitted in digital form via RWTHonline.
New study plan
The two new compulsory courses in the 5th semester as well as the changes in the elective courses have been included in the study plan.
In addition, Data Communication and Security will be renamed Data Communication and moved from the 4th semester (summer semester) to the 3rd semester (winter semester). Therefore, the course will be offered in the winter semester starting in the winter semester 2022/2023.
Recommendations for Change
We recommend a change to the new examination regulations to all students in the 3rd semester or to all those who have previously only taken modules that are scheduled in the first three semesters.
Students who are already close to graduation or have already completed their minor completely (according to the old examination regulations) are advised not to change the examination regulations again.