Introductory events for first-semester students in winter semester 2023/24

There are special introductory events for all first-semester students in winter semester with information on study course and organisation.

Montag, 02.10.202312:00Großer Hörsaal (AM), AudimaxIntroduction B.Sc. Computer ScienceSlides
Monday, 09.10.202310:00 hAH 6, Computer Science CenterIntroduction M.Sc. Computer ScienceSlides
Monday, 09.10.202310:00 honline via ZoomIntroduction M.Sc. Data ScienceSlides
Monday, 09.10.202315:00AH 3, Computer Science CenterIntroduction M.Sc. Software Systems EngineeringSlides
Monday, 09.10.202313:00online via ZoomIntroduction M.Sc. Media InformaticsSlides