This course will be held in English only
Selected Topics in 3D Shape Analysis
Winter 2023/2024
In this seminar, we will cover topics from Shape Analysis (i.e. the extraction of more abstract information from a collection of 3D shapes). More concretely, the topics include the analysis of single shapes, how to map between pairs of shapes and a range of possible shape representations (with their individual benefits and disadvantages) for expressive machine learning techniques such as neural networks in order to analyze whole collections of shapes.
Class Information
5 ECTS for B.Sc.
4 ECTS für B.Sc. (PO 2022)
4 ECTS für M.Sc.
Fields Of Study
- Informatik (B.Sc.)
- Informatik (M.Sc.)
- Media Informatics (M.Sc.)
- Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)
- Data Science (M.Sc.)
- Technical Communication (B.Sc.)
- Technical Communication (M.Sc.)
- Master Erasmus
The grade will be calculated as follows:
- Written Paper: 50%
- Presentation & Participation: 50%
Attendance Policy
To pass the course, you need to attend all presentations.
Submission Milestones
All submissions have to be sent to the supervisor until 12:00 (noon) via mail. Include the tag [PDUI] and the name of the topic and the milestone (e.g., “[Seminar] Explainable AI, Report Outline”).
Kickoff Meeting:
- 10.10.2023 (14:00) @ room 118 (E3)
Topic Deadline:
- 12.10.2023 (12:00)
Outline Deadline:
- 26.10.2023 (12:00)
- TBA @ room 118 (E3)
Report Deadline:
- TBA (12:00)
Revised Report Deadline:
- TBA (12:00)
For further details see the RWTHmoodle.