Human-Centered Intelligent System (HCIS)


Table of Contents

Read first

Please read the information provided on this website and the RWTH Aachen University website first before contacting the international office or the HCIS advisory team. Note that we receive many requests every day. By reading the websites first, you may find answers to your questions sooner and you help us to better dedicate our time.

Helpful links

Please have a look at the websites linked below before contacting the international office or the academic advisory for the HCIS master program.

For students interested in studying the HCIS master program

For students admitted to studying the HCIS master program

For students enrolled to the HCIS master program

Only students enrolled to the HCIS master program can subscribe to this mailing list

Information about applications, like for a transfer of credit or the registration of a master thesis

For prospective and current students

Official regulations for the HCIS master program. Many pieces of information on this website are from this document.

Contact the international office

The international office is the contact for questions related to studying as international student at RWTH Aachen University but not for questions related specifically only to the HCIS master program.

Contact the HCIS academic advisory team

The HCIS academic advisory team is the contact for questions related specifically to the HCIS master program.

Lubna Ali

Academic advisor for the Human-Centered Intelligent System (HCIS) master program

Postal address

RWTH Aachen University
LuFg i9 – z.H. Lubna Ali

AhornstraĂźe 55
D-52074 Aachen, Germany